What’s happening to my body?

Puberty… it happens to everyone!

Maybe you’ve noticed that your body is feeling a bit different lately, parts of you are changing and you’re a lot more sensitive too. This is all very normal – it’s called puberty and it means that you’re turning from a girl into a woman.

Puberty? Tell me more…

Everyone is different, but one thing we all have in common – both boys and girls – is that we go through puberty. It is a time in your life that shows you’re growing up into an adult. You could start puberty as young as 7 or 8 years old and it will last for up to four or five years, but no matter what age you start, we all eventually go through it.

The Change Stage

Many things will start to happen with your body, here’s what you need to know…

  • Your breasts will start to grow
  • You will get taller
  • Your skin and hair may become oilier
  • Your body will fill out and you may get curvier
  • You may start to get a few pimples
  • You’ll grow hair under your arms and around your vagina (pubic hair)
  • You’ll get your period

All About Your Period

When you hit puberty, one of the most important changes in a girl’s body is when you start your menstrual cycle (your period). This is when you bleed from your vagina for about three to five days. You’ll get your period once a month, and your body prepares for it every day until you start to bleed again. Once you start menstruating, it means your body is also able to fall pregnant and have a baby.

Puberty can be scary and exciting at the same time, but remember every woman goes through it so know you’re not alone!

Learn more about what happens inside your body when you’re on your period click here

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